Are you looking to get some cash for old electronics? Take a look at these sites where you can recycle, donate, or sell them!
If a cardboard bin is not around, they can go into a papers recycling bin. Remove all inside materials . Try keeping boxes for your shipping needs and upcoming moves, or try dontating them to your ...
If you throw your cell phone away or leave it in a drawer at home, and buy a second cell phone, then that new phone will result in another 91 kg of CO 2. Recycling or reusing the first cell phone will ...
Find out more specifics by reading the Unacceptable Materials for Recycling page. There are spaces on campus you can recycle cell phones, disks, batteries, pallets, CFLs, toner cartridges, office ...
A recent study from Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India has revealed new details about how our cells clean up and recycle waste ... up crew inside the cell that sorts out ...