Project Coordinator: Nachum Wineberg (Long Island City, NY) Rabbi Levy Wineberg (Johannesburg), Rabbi Mendy Wineberg (Kansas), Chanie Baitelman (Richmond, BC), Rabbi Dovid Wineberg (Cape Town), Raizy ...
Our sages ask how it is possible to fulfill this mitzvah when we have neither the priestly garments nor the Beis HaMikdash. Indeed, the Baal Shem Tov teaches that every mitzvah in the Torah is for ...
Israeli settlers escorted by the military stormed a tomb they claim belongs to a rabbi, in southern Lebanon on Friday. The site, known as the Servants' Tomb, is located on the outskirts of Houla ...
When are we allowed to yell at God?
Records released to the Good Law Project, following a lengthy Freedom of Information request battle in 2021, had already revealed that Feldman had referred three suppliers on the VIP lane – also known ...