Mysterious underground tunnels have been discovered during a station upgrade in a quaint UK city, which historians believe had a peculiar purpose. Engineers from Network Rail and South Western Railway ...
The myth that the statues of ancient Greece and Rome were white was created over time and upheld in part to serve racist ideological purposes. But in reality, ancient works of art were colorful, and ...
△美国联邦航空管理局(资料图) 当地时间3月17日,美国联邦航空管理局发声明证实,当地时间3月16日晚,美国达美航空旗下子公司“奋进航空”的一架客机在纽约拉瓜迪亚机场降落时,左侧机翼“撞上跑道”。据悉,当时飞行员正在执行由于进近不稳定而导致的复飞。 该机为庞巴迪CRJ-900型客机,从佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔飞往纽约,机上有76名乘客、2名飞行员和2名乘务员。 据称,事故中无人受伤。(央视记者 许骁) ...
虎扑03月16日讯 今天NBA常规赛,雷霆以113-107战胜活塞。 本场比赛,雷霆球员谢伊-吉尔杰斯-亚历山大出战37分钟,26投17中得到48分4篮板6助攻3抢断1封盖。
Richmond Station’s historic Art Deco features have been beautifully restored as part of a major renovation project, enhancing the ...
Tim Hedley-Jones (RHT), Leader Cllr Gareth Roberts, Lord Hendy and David Wilby (Image: Richmond Council) The bronze entrance ...
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JOHNNY Henderson was a horse racing man through and through, as well as being the father of renowned trainer Nicky Henderson.
我国拥有13个全编集团军,每个集团军有多少兵力?看完就明白了 ...
Network Rail has worked with the Railway Heritage Trust (RHT) to restore the site of a time capsule at Hambleton, near Selby.