Threats and coercion are spreading through Mandalay Region as the conscript-starved regime tries to force young people into the military.
Dozens of regime forces were captured or killed when they swarmed out from their fastness in resistance-dominated Katha.
Youth leaders have urged African governments and stakeholders to ensure that the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) benefits young entrepreneurs rather than becoming a marketplace for ...
The projected market size of 1.3 billion for the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) should be protected from ...
A Hunterville farmer, who recently won Share Farmer of the Year at the Manawatū Dairy Industry Awards, is chasing a ...
连日来,贵安新区消防救援支队走进辖区各乡镇(街道)开展特殊群体消防关爱宣传行动。在农村,针对老年人群体行动不便、消防意识薄弱等特点,消防宣传员敲门入户为老人讲解家庭防火知识,包括如何预防火灾、如何正确使用电器设备、如何处置初期火灾等,并仔细检查他们家 ...
3月11日,甘泉县召开组织、宣传、统战、政法工作会议,深入学习贯彻党的二十届三中全会精神和习近平总书记历次来陕考察重要讲话重要指示精神,贯通落实全省、全市组织、宣传、统战、政法工作会议精神,回顾总结去年工作,安排部署今年重点任务。县委书记张星出席会议 ...
3月6日,总投资1.2亿元的岳西县虎形意境综合旅游开发项目正式签约。据悉,该项目位于头陀镇虎形村,用地面积约120亩,项目建设周期为3年,主要建设有虎形峡谷(丛林)探险、研学馆、农业实践及中药材基地、英山河民宿及其他配套娱乐设施。项目正式投产运营后, ...
来自MSN17 天
Casting A Lead Hammer
Stranded Nasa astronauts to finally return to Earth after nine months in space DJ Daniel visits Trump in Oval Office following joint address honor: ‘One more thing I’ve got for ya’ Whenever ...
His body was found in a forest near the old town of Pyu in Kangyi Taw. The local Christian community told media he was a very kind-hearted priest and a great missionary, and they are saddened by ...