WebEx Players Series Murray River final leaderboard is headed by winner Blake Proverbs, who earned the Challenger PGA Tour of Australasia win at Cobram Barooga Golf Resort's Old Course in Barooga, ...
Responding to Cindy Agidius’s column (Tribune Opinion, Jan. 12), she writes, “Life is lived forward, but understood backward.” Well, not always. I prefer, “Those who ignore history are bound to repeat ...
In 1896, Charles M. Sheldon published the novel “In His Steps: What Would Jesus Do?” It became and has remained a bestseller. Although the book was written many years ago, its message is timeless.
Looking for a unique date night. Engage farm life with goat milking, fresh produce, and farm-to-table dining for fun and connection to nature combined ...
This Saturday, February 1, is the third holiest (or most smelly, depending on your sensibilities) day of the year for First Lutheran Church: The 91st Annual Norwegian Lutefisk and Swedish Meatball ...
More often than not, people believe that more money will solve all of their problems. They think, “If only I had a little bit more money, things would be so ...