This week’s Parshah, Parshas Mishpatim, marks the switch of the Torah offering a narrative of many of the events that had preceded the giving of the ten commandments; from henceforth ...
According to the Zohar on this week’s Parashat Mishpatim (116a -117b), it says the heart is the center of our emotions and that through our emotional intuition, we can perceive things beyond the ...
[4] Noach 5761 [5] Nechama Leibowitz lived in Berlin and in Israel in the previous century. She forever changed the way in which Tanach is learnt. About the Author Ari Sacher is a Rocket Scientist ...
El CAJON, California — This week’s Torah portion, Mishpatim, is a profound exploration of law, ethics, and relationships, offering deep psychological insight into emotional well-being. Through ...
5:20 p.m. NYC E.S.T. Sabbath Ends: 6:21 p.m. NYC E.S.T. Sabbath Ends: Rabbenu Tam 6:52 p.m. NYC E.S.T. Earliest time for Tallis and Tefillin: 5:50 a.m. NYC E.S.T ...
In the beginning of Parshas Yisro, Moshe is telling Yisro, his father-in-law, why he’s working so hard. The Pasuk says in Perek יח [טז] ‎ כי-יהיה להם דבר בא אלי ...
El CAJON, California —Parsha Yitro describes a defining moment in the history of Am Yisrael, culminating in the awe-inspiring revelation of Matan Torah, the giving of the Torah at Har Sinai.