This intelligent parrot waits faithfully by the window daily, rushing to greet his "brother" after school. The second he spots the boy, wings flutter wildly with joy at once!
7 天
什么值得买社区频道 on MSN这5个冷门音频品牌颠覆认知!用过三个算你赢在这个被苹果、索尼统治的耳机江湖里,总有些特立独行的品牌在暗处发光。作为科技媒体从业人员同时爱好者,我亲历过这些"宝藏品牌"的高 ...
18 天
什么值得买社区频道 on MSN🦜 API Parrot:一款API抓取神奇,玩转API自动化!还在为没有开放API的网站抓取数据而烦恼吗?还在为集成各种服务而苦苦挣扎吗?今天,就为大家介绍一款神器——API Parrot,它可以帮助你轻松逆向 ...
It's not a dinosaur. Come and see. 它不是恐龙。快进来看看。 Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig have a pet parrot. 猪奶奶和猪爷爷养了一只宠物鹦鹉。 Peppa, George, this is our pet parrot. 佩奇,乔治,这是我们的宠物鹦鹉。 She's called Polly. Pretty Polly.