AI-generated image via DALL-E The 20,000-year-old fossilised remains of what was thought to be one of Japan’s oldest humans, known as “Ushikawa Man,” are actually the bones of an ancient ... have long ...
The only certainty is that Currey did have permission to cut down what was discovered to be the oldest tree on record. Now known as Prometheus, the tree was found to be nearly 5,000 years old.
Called back to the woods to pack up Dad’s estate — the old man has been declared dead after having gone … missing — the family arrives in the middle of nowhere on the night of a full moon.
The 20,000-year-old fossilized bones of "Ushikawa Man," thought to be some of Japan's most ancient human fossils, are not what scientists believed they were, new research finds. Instead ...
Beneath the melting ice of Wyoming’s Beartooth Plateau lies a long-buried forest. Scientists recently discovered dozens of 5,900-year-old whitebark pines beneath a melting ice patch in the Rocky ...