A white-tailed deer fawn standing on a hill. Image via Depositphotos Deer in the wild usually live for 6 to 14 years. Their lifespan can be influenced by factors like predation, disease, and ...
In these areas, coyotes and mountain lions are a mule deer’s primary predators. Despite their preying on a lot of mule deer fawns, the fawn’s first-month survival rate ranges from 45 to 60 percent, ...
Deer in the wild usually live for 6 to 14 years. Their lifespan can be influenced by factors like predation, disease, and availability of food. Some species of deer migrate to find food or better ...
Common whitetail deer predators are coyotes, wolves, bears, mountain lions, humans, jaguars, and American alligators. Young whitetail deer (fawns) are easier targets for predators. The exact type of ...
The province of B.C. has announced plans to cull urban deer living in the Kootenay area, near the B.C.-Alberta border, in an attempt to stop the spread of chronic wasting disease (CWD).
A somewhat overlooked entry in the now lengthy (thirty-year) Gov’t Mule discography, the group’s third album, Life Before Insanity (released 2/15/00), is nevertheless an essential step in the group’s ...
While owning a single deer gun might give you cred with the old-timers who agree with the adage “beware of the man who owns just one rifle, for he probably knows how to use it” what a dull life that ...
When is the best time to hunt deer? Well, the short answer is whenever ... of the proverbial water by data revealing that the annual fawn drop occurred within the same handful of days each and ...
As part of this study, over 1,200 animals (adult deer, fawns, coyotes and bobcats) were captured, 766 GPS collars were deployed on adult deer and 323 radio tracking collars were placed on deer fawns.
Collars help biologists track winter fawn survival. It’s not a hunting season, but it’s as important as one. Each winter, Fish and Game crews across south, central and eastern Idaho capture and collar ...
The Montana record-setter, however, might be the most interesting story of all Let’s explore the unique history of “The Letterman Buck,” the largest mule deer ever caught in Montana. The story is ...