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Federal housing authorities announced that a COVID-era emergency housing voucher is running out of funds – and there’s no plan to save it.
In today's puzzle, there are eight theme words to find (including the spangram). Hint: The first one can be found in the top ...
From the column: "It is much more anti-American to stay silent and passive and to blindly pledge allegiance in the face of ...
The March 21 demonstration criticized the University’s “complicity in Palestinian genocide, violations of free speech, and refusal to protect Penn’s non-citizen community from invasive I.C.E. raids.” ...
The McKnight Doctoral Fellowship, the scholarship now facing scrutiny, aims to help Black and Hispanic graduate students earn ...
The FDA has issued a complete response letter for rivoceranib plus camrelizumab as a first-line treatment for unresectable ...
Despite resubmitting after an initial complete response letter (CRL) due to manufacturing issues, the combination therapy ...
A group of eight Democratic Senators on Friday accused the Trump administration of abusing immigration laws in arresting ...
Because of accounting issues in South Carolina’s books, the previous comptroller general and the state auditor have resigned.
The county school district is accepting applications for the Florida Keys’ next superintendent of schools until Tuesday, ...
Escaping a wildfire by heading farther west is not an option, thus exacerbating any traffic challenges in an evacuation ...