But male flies, in turn, have sharpened their eyesight to call their bluff. A new study by researchers from the Universities of Gothenburg and Stockholm suggests that this is an ongoing evolution ...
Male fruit flies enjoy ejaculating, according to research published yesterday (April 20) in Current Biology. The study also found that when fruit flies are denied sex, they consume more alcohol than ...
The Florida Entomologist Vol. 85, No. 1, Mar., 2002 Effects of Post-Teneral Nutrition on Rep... To realize their reproductive potential, male Mediterranean fruit flies must run a gauntlet of ...
8 Beach and Maselko used the fly Drosophila melanogaster to test the proof of concept of the method they dubbed toxic male technique (TMT). They genetically engineered male flies to produce the ...
Fruit flies normally have brilliant, red-colored eyes, although occasionally, male flies with white eyes would appear in Morgan's laboratory (Figure 5). Intrigued by these white-eyed males ...
How Fruit Flies Flit Between Courtship and Aggression to Fight for Mates Feb. 13, 2025 — Male fruit flies don't just sing to their mates; they also use sound-cancelling wing-flicks to jockey ...
In these flies, courtship is based on an exchange of food. Before mating, the male offers a gift to the female, usually a dead insect. This offering is crucial for reproduction, as females ...
Hawaii’s male crickets can’t hide from their buzzing boogeymen for long. In just a handful of years, cricket-killing parasitic flies have evolved hearing that’s more sensitive to their prey ...
Single-Gene Test Crosses Recall that in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, the ebony-body allele (e) is recessive to the normal yellow-body allele (E). Say you are given a male fly with a ...