However, most farms rely heavily on plastic gear. The two Maine farms use an off-bottom culture method, growing the oysters in floating cages, racks, or bags instead of on the seafloor. This method ...
The answer is in your yard. Watch closely for the smallest hints, record what you find and advance the cause of science.
Questions about landings data, or custom data requests may be directed to the Landings Program at 207-633-9500 option 2.
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The tables and graphs listed below do not include all species landed in Maine. Historical Landings Data by Species, most back to 1950 or 1964. Data includes wild and cultured product.
Know that even if your plant survives the frost, it may never match the photo you saw advertised at the nursery. Planting Zone Rule of Thumb Plant hardiness zone maps are, well, all over the map.
Tobogganing, sledding, tubing, cross-country skiing and hiking with snowshoes are just some of things you can do this winter, as Southern Maine finally has some snow. Finally we’re having ...
Jakimides is a writer and mixed-media artist who grew up in inner-city Boston and raised a family on 40+ acres in Northern Maine, growing almost all their food and pumping water by hand.