Tonic-clonic seizures are the type of epileptic seizure most people recognise. In the past they were called grand-mal seizures. Tonic-clonic seizures can have a generalised onset, meaning they affect ...
Tonic seizures can be generalised onset, meaning they affect both sides of the brain from the start. Or they can be focal onset, meaning they start in just one side of the brain. If a tonic seizure ...
The four-course menu includes Stornoway black pudding with tattie scone, trout and Arbroath smokie cullen skink, and Highland Park whisky baba served with Buckfast tonic wine. To drink there are ...
Tonics branch off of each other, starting with uncommon, moving to rare, and then to Legendary. There are two Exotic Tonics you can craft, but you unlock the ability to do so by collecting the ...
“It is a reflection of Indonesia’s rich heritage, a tonic passed down through generations, crafted from the island’s abundant natural resources.” Ibu Lilik, a third-generation herbalist ...
What happens when your passion and life’s work are called a health risk? Our wine critic contemplates the surgeon general’s recent warning. Recent scientific studies have questioned the health ...
But, when it comes to cancer risk, are all types of alcohol created equal? For many years, red wine seemed to be an outlier, with studies indicating that, in moderation, it might even be good for you.