When I realized that I would be a mom at the age of 41, my only thoughts were: would I live? Would I be the oldest parent in ...
Major Finding: Myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC) crosstalk with IDH–wild-type glioblastoma and promote tumor growth. Concept: Signaling between MDSCs and tumor cells support cell survival in ...
肿瘤干细胞产生称为趋化因子的化学信号,吸引这个MDSC亚群,并为这些MDSC制造生长因子和激活因子。 在一项新的研究中,来自约翰霍普金斯大学等 ...
可是,CBR3 - AS1、miR - 409 - 3p 与 MDSC 积累之间有怎样的联系,也有待进一步探索。 为了揭开这些谜团,哈尔滨医科大学等单位的研究人员在《Journal of Translational Medicine》期刊上发表了题为 “RBM15 recruits myeloid - derived suppressor cells via the m6A - ...
这项研究的核心发现是,免疫治疗激活的CD8+T细胞反而会增加肿瘤微环境(TME)中多形核髓源性抑制细胞(PMN-MDSC)的浸润,导致抗肿瘤药物效果的减弱。 研究表明,当CD8+T细胞被激活时,它们的脂质运载蛋白-2(LCN2)表达增加,最终促使PMN-MDSC的趋化性增强。
Background: CLEC5A is a member of the C-type lectin superfamily. It can activate macrophages and lead to a series of immune-inflammation reactions. Previous studies reveal the role of CLEC5A in ...
Abbreviations: Chemo, chemotherapy; ICB, immune checkpoint blockade; MDSC, myeloid-derived suppressor cells; PD-1, programmed death 1; PDL-1, programmed death ligand 1; RLC, relative lymphocyte count.