While they may seem scary at first, most house spider species are ... not seek medical attention. With large brown or gray bodies and long legs, wolf spiders are ground-dwelling hunters that ...
Live and let live! Ellinor Smith acted on this motto when she recently discovered a large spider in her room. Then something ...
Ellinor Smith said the spider "wasn't causing any harm" so she just left it there. It was harboring a surprise though.
A large spider with a brown cephalothorax (the fused head and ... they readily adapt to buildings. In Britain, Tegenaria house spiders are still in the process of expanding their range in the north of ...
They feed on any insects found in homes and will also take other spiders, including surprisingly large house spiders (Tegenaria species). This species is not native to the UK, and may have been ...
I'm genuinely intrigued and admire them, but I'm afraid to say I'm still a bit scared of really large house spiders! And I'm not that fond of false widows either. My favourite species is ...