Formononetin (FMN) is a common natural metabolite that can be extracted and isolated from some common botanical drugs. In recent years, FMN has garnered increasing attention due to its beneficial ...
【来源】 本品为葫芦科植物栝楼Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim. 或双边栝楼Trichosan-thes rosthornii Harms 的干燥成熟果实。秋季果实成熟时,连果梗剪下,置通风处阴干。 【性状】 本品呈类球形或宽椭圆形,长7~15cm,直径6~10cm。表面橙红色或橙黄色,皱缩或较光滑,顶端 ...
Background: Diabetes that only appears or is diagnosed during pregnancy is referred to as gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). The maternal physiological immune profile is essential for a positive ...