Also known as Bourekas, they are made of puff pastry filled with delicious stuff, like feta cheese, minced meat, eggplant, ...
Hoping that the sweet story behind this underappreciated confection will leave you game to try a change of pace in your morning pastry. Don’t you dare call them Jewish sticky buns. This rolled ...
Challah (or chałka, as it is known across Poland) – a yeast pastry in the shape of a braid – was one of the basic Jewish pastries on Polish territory. It was usually baked for the Shabbat, but not ...
When it comes to Jewish holidays, their associated food and the media, Passover and Hanukkah get all the love. Purim, which begins at sundown on Thursday, March 13, and celebrates Queen Esther saving ...
Pinker and Levitsky went head-to-head for their Jewish pastry of choice before a packed crowd at Hillel Saturday night, ...
The daughter of a rabbi and mother of a toddler, she and her family run a pair of popular Budapest bake shops that specialize in Jewish pastries such as flodni, a calorific confection of layered ...
The one exception is hamantaschen, triangular-shaped filled pastries — sorta, kinda the Jewish version of Danish? — that are named for the evil Haman, the villain in the Purim story ...