华为正在经历全球化进程中最漫长的寒冬。从被质疑设备安全性到安卓系统断供,从芯片代工渠道封锁到光刻机进口受限,这家中国科技企业十年间承受着来自多国的技术围堵。当合作运营商临阵毁约、海外5G订单接连流失时,华为手机销量曾从全球第二跌出前五,甚至不得不剥离 ...
华为于2025年3月20日在Pura先锋盛典及鸿蒙智行新品发布会上正式公布HarmonyOS 5升级计划。根据披露,第二季度将推送HarmonyOS 5.0.1版本,首批覆盖机型包括华为Mate 70系列、Mate 60系列、Mate ...
Huawei's licenses to install Windows expired this month, so the company will no longer be able to produce and sell PCs with ...
Huawei has plans to launch new PCs, and they will run the company's custom HarmonyOS operating system. New form factor device ...
Industry insiders suggest that since Huawei was placed on the US Entity List in 2019, the company has faced continuous ...
Huawei is preparing to take a major leap forward in its technology ecosystem with the launch of its first HarmonyOS PC, set ...
Huawei will launch new PC models that no longer use Windows as their default operating system. According to domestic sources ...
With Huawei losing access to Windows, the Chinese tech giant will be shipping its upcoming laptops with its own HarmonyOS.
Richard Yu, Huawei's executive director, declared the Pura X launch as "a new beginning of the Harmony OS era," emphasizing that the system will power all future Huawei and partner devices, including ...