"All groups must lay down their arms and PKK must dissolve itself," he said in a declaration drawn up in his cell on Imrali prison island where he has been held in solitary confinement since 1999 ...
Doepke 断路器 09124998 Typ DFS4 025-4/0,03-B SK FREUDENBERG 密封 40413468 Radial Shaft Seal - Simmerring® BASL AS with spring | BAU2SLX2 | 72 NBR 902 | 30 X 40 X 7 / 0 MM ...
MTS R-Serie SSI RH M 0300(RH M 0300M P20 1 S1G6100)包括插头电缆及磁环 传感器 PANTRON IT-P10-5M 料箱料位检测传感器配套 ZAE 备件 GM125 B 1300/14 NO:484045/0008 i 7.17x29:1返回搜狐,查看更多 平台声明:该文观点仅代表作者本人,搜狐号系信息发布平台,搜狐仅提供信息存储空间 ...
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., a financial institution, provides a range of financial services for corporations, financial institutions, governments, and individuals worldwide. It operates through ...
This manuscript reports a valuable new mechanism of regulation of the glutamine synthetase in the archaeon Methanosarcina mazei and clarifies the direct activation of glutamine synthetase activity by ...
These fractions, in ascending order of molecular weight, are α-, β-, γ-, and ω-gliadins. In contrast, glutenin belongs to the glutelin class and is divided into high and low-molecular weight fractions ...
Changes in net ω-gliadin abundance were not significant. The net change in canonical gluten content can be obtained by adding together the gliadins and glutenins (LMW-GS, HMW-GS, α-, γ-, ω-gliadins), ...
The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is responsible for folding secretory and membrane proteins, but disturbed ER proteostasis may lead to protein aggregation and subsequent cellular and clinical ...