1993年12月31日, 李洪涛在被枪决的前一天,发明出了无刷电机 ,帮助我国完成了在电机技术领域的突破,而他也因为这次发明,被免除了死刑。
Pittsford's boys swim team talked about the work they put to keep their section title streak alive after coach Rick Schmitt ...
This Perspective outlines evidence on existing platform trials in mental health and discusses key challenges and strategies to overcome barriers in order to maximize the potential of platform ...
A new tutorial shows how to find harmonised Landsat and Sentinel-2 imagery by area of interest using NASA's Worldview service.
可控核聚变商业化进展不断推进。可控核聚变美国聚变工业协会发布的《2024年聚变能产业报告》显示, 核聚变 产业在世界范围内已吸引超过71亿美元的投资,全球核聚变企业总数达45家,其中包括中国的 新奥能源 、能量奇点等。此外2025年以来,可控核聚变领域技术突破不断:1)3月6日 国光电气 携手天府创新能源研究院,布局聚变裂变混合能源产业。2)2月28日,中国核电、 浙能电力 拟分别增资10亿元、7 ...
Westmeath 0-24 By Gerry Buckkley at TEG Cusack Park Promotion-chasing Waterford proved far too strong for a weak Westmeath ...
Here are the championship results from Day 3 of the PIAA Class 2A Wrestling Championships at Giant Center. • Sign up for ...
Here are complete results from Thursday’s action from the PIAA Class 2A Wrestling Champions at Giant Center. Class 2A ...
REGIONAL—Trista Ohlmeier brought along a teammate to accompany her on the Iowa Girls Coaches Association’s Class 2A Northwest District team which has been released.
The high school wrestling in Pennsylvania hits its crescendo starting Thursday as the PIAA Wrestling Championship at Hershey’s Giant Center.
We are excited to partner with a company like American Rounds that fully aligns with our core values of utilizing technology to deliver security, innovation and convenience direct to the 2A community.
Berrena and Whitbred will join Cunningham at the PIAA Wrestling Championships in Hershey. Davis placed sixth, which earned him accolades as a place winner during the regional tournament and landed him ...