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China’s corporate world is used to slashing prices to oblivion, employees working “996 schedule” (that’s 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., 6 ...
Song Xiaodong, a researcher in China's Liaoning, is affectionately known as a "tree doctor." For over 40 years, he has dedicated himself to protecting Pinus sylvestris. His work now helps to safeguard ...
Song Xiaodong, a researcher in China's Liaoning, is affectionately known as a "tree doctor." For over 40 years, he has dedicated himself to protecting Pinus sylvestris. His work now helps to safeguard ...
(法新社德黑兰9日法新社)伊朗媒体今天报导,伊朗、俄罗斯和中国海军本周将在伊朗外海举行联合军事演习。 伊朗半官方塔斯尼姆通讯社(Tasnim news agency)表示,演习「将于周二(11日)在查巴哈港(Chabahar ...
在地缘政治冲突风险增加声中,中国财政部在今 (5日)早提交人大会议的报告中订定,今年的国防预算约为17847亿元人民币 (下同,折算约2312亿欧元),按年增长 7.2%,增幅与去年相同,亦同样较当年的经济增长目标高两个百分点。