Every year as Valentine’s Day approaches, people remind themselves that not all expressions of love fit the stereotypes of ...
There is a perceptible Roman bias in the teaching of law, but the ancient Greeks were actually also quite influential.
PANews 1月26日消息,Greeks.live宏观研究员Adam在X平台发文称,宏观消息方面,尽管特朗普在就职的第一周就对多重经济政策发号施令,下周美联储不降息的概率依然高达98%。下周四美联储和欧洲央行都会公布利率决议及相关报告,值得关注, 日本加息靴子落地 ...
Pizza, the delicious oven baked flat bread topped with melted cheese and other yummy ingredients is first described in ancient Greek texts.
BlockBeats 消息,2 月 6 日,Greeks.live 分析师 Adam 在社交媒体上发文表示,「BTC 今天出现了大量看跌期权大宗成交,6 亿美元名义价值占总成交的四分之一。仅今晚两笔看跌日历就价值 1.1 亿美元,市场在走弱,信心也在衰退,短期 Skew 已经接近于 0,中远期 Skew 和 IV 也有明显的回落。2 ...
Naftemporiki, a Greek daily business newspaper, presented an English-language album entitled "The GREEKS: Masters of the seas ...
Greeks.Live分析师Adam表示,2万张BTC期权到期,PutCallRatio为0.69,最大痛点97000美元,名义价值19.3亿美元。20.6万张ETH期权到期,PutCallRatio为0.81,最大痛点3400美元,名义价值7.1亿美元。 今天是2025年的第一次周度期权交割,共计26亿美元期权到期,欧美用户逐渐从假期中回来,市场整体热度回升。但本周的主题仍是调整,市场分化明显, ...
The iconic Greek holiday island is literally shaking, and residents are escaping while they can.
For Greece, it is contradictory for a manufacturing country to sell weapons systems to two countries that have differences ...
The "Greeks" are an essential toolkit for options investors and traders. These mathematical calculations, each named after a letter from the Greek alphabet, tell you how options contracts will ...
Fifty-seven people were killed when a freight train and a passenger train packed with students collided in February 2023.