Surrey city council voted last week to launch a feasibility study on transforming a heavily industrialized stretch of the ...
The limited capacity of the Delta irrigation canal system and frequent system closures due to high salinity during the ...
Everatt said the Fraser River carries about 20 million tons of sediment each year, carrying essential nutrients that sustain ...
Joanna Zabinsky also worked at Pacific Veneer from 1939-1946, as the first aid attendant as well as on ... was barged up the Fraser from Vancouver Island, the BC north coast, and Haida Gwaii, and ...
Simon Fraser University researchers say the Fraser River delta needs management and monitoring, otherwise its natural biodiversity and ability to respond to sea level rise could be threatened.
The Fraser River courses through more than one half-dozen distinct geo-climactic zones, North America’s most diverse indigenous landscape and the essence of British Columbia (B.C.) history.