A rare set of original photos from the Lizzie Borden crime scene are expected to fetch thousands at a world-renowned New York ...
Kirk Hammett will feature extensive interviews with the Metallica guitarist about the instruments that have shaped his life ...
Charlie, the narrator of Jane Blondie’s frame-breaking picture book, doesn’t want his readers to turn the book’s pages for self-interested reasons. He knows that every page turned gets him closer to ...
Art Spiegelman, the first cartoonist to win a Pulitzer Prize for his graphic novel “Maus,” kicked off “Comics Sans Frontières ...
The already world renowned Kelpies will become even better known now an author has featured them in her latest children’s ...
A new photo of Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet has revealed the young royals are the spitting image of their dad.
Prince Andrew, the Duke of York, reportedly has a prized collection of teddy bears that he keeps in his bedroom. Several ...
“It is rare,” says title designer and Art of the Title editor-in-chief Lola Landekic. “It’s a very interesting choice. As a ...
Jack Trunz was exhausted the night Khakendra Pun picked him up in his yellow cab at LaGuardia Airport. Trunz’s flight from ...
Nick Ut, the Associated Press photographer who took the photo, immediately took action after snapping the famous shot. He put down his camera and drove her ... While he was there, he read a book about ...
Republican Margaret Chase Smith of Skowhegan was the first woman to serve in both houses of Congress, as a member of the House of Representatives from 1940 to 1949 and the Senate from 1949 to 1973 ...