啄木鸟成立于2014年,彼时,正是O2O风起云涌的年代。创始人王国伟高中毕业,曾是一名家电维修师傅。7年后的2021年,啄木鸟成为独角兽。它曾累计融资超6亿元,获得小米、顺为、58同城等机构投资。其中, 雷军 通过顺为资本,持有它3.5%的股份。
2 天
手机新浪网 on MSN邵新宇会见马来亚大学校长一行湖北日报讯(记者肖丽琼)3月16日,省委常委、常务副省长邵新宇会见马来亚大学校长阿祖安一行,并就湖北与马来亚大学拓展未来合作交流会谈。
3 天
Nation on MSNWhat the retirees would do differently if given a chanceIf they had to do it all over again, three-quarters of retirees would plan their retirement better, save more, and create alternative income streams to sustain them in old age.But many did not, ...
3月15日晚,央视3·15晚会如期上演。据晚会总导演张强此前介绍,本次晚会将揭秘相关行业存在的消费陷阱和违法侵权行为,比如一些食品企业的非法添加、一些日用消费品被违规违法翻新销售;曝光互联网上盗取个人数据信息的源头企业;还将展示金融消费中隐藏的新型消 ...
记者José Armando发文吐槽:“吉鲁自从2024年9月26日以来就没能取得进球。他洛杉矶FC出场25次只打进2球,而且美职联0进球,一个在联盟杯,一个在公开杯。近十年美职联最差引援之一?” ...
Fans have the option of a bracelet or strap, however, there’s rare value to the latter in that it represents CW’s first-ever ...
Digital art by a Japanese trans artist at FKM Gallery; art and poetry exploring the immigrant experience at Indigenous Roots, and a celebration of composers of color at MacPhail.
Humanity has long been fascinated by the concept of time, and so watchmaking remains a mesmerizing art form. Those who truly ...
17 天
Amateur Photographer on MSNXiaomi 15 Ultra: The perfect smartphone for photographersThe Xiaomi 15 Ultra has a lot to do to beat its predecessor – but can it step up to the plate? Amy Davies finds out more The post Xiaomi 15 Ultra: The perfect smartphone for photographers appeared ...
The acquisition strengthens Virdis’ rubber chemicals portfolio, adding the Intercure® range of curatives for FKM, plus carnauba wax and other essential rubber chemicals. Virdis will build on its ...
Essentially, the common theme here is that iPhone 16e will be an overall upgrade from any iPhone older than the latest-generation iPhone 16 – presuming you don’t mind the lack of official ...