Share your photos and videos with us by using this link. We'll collect them and showcase them in a gallery on this week and for years to come. Include a sentence about when and ...
Florida's winter storm blanketed Tallahassee in snow and sleet Wednesday morning and residents made the most of it. Tallahassee’s all-time snowfall record of 2.8 inches was set in 1958 and it remains ...
Florida's winter storm blanketed Tallahassee in snow and sleet Wednesday morning and residents made the most of it. Tallahassee’s all-time snowfall record of 2.8 inches was set in 1958 and it ...
Ready to play on snow day? Snow balls, snowmen, snow angels, frozen fountains, sledding and skiing could be a reality in the capital city late Tuesday and early Wednesday. If Tallahassee gets as ...
The unique winter excursion was offered last year for the first time in 66 years, and there are tickets available for several trips over the next few months. The winter rides through West Virginia ...