Researchers from the Keck School of Medicine of USC, in partnership with Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, ...
小鼠脑-心神经轴传入及传出的全脑图谱解析Comprehensive Brain-wide Mapping of Afferent and Efferent Nuclei Associated with the Heart in the ...
Ear acupuncture has been proven to activate the VN. In He, et al.’s research, 8 they found that auricular acupuncture ...
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A leading theory about the nerves that send signals from the brain to the cochlea (known as "efferent" fibers) is that they control the cochlea's response to sound on a short-term basis ...
Measuring cochlear function A leading theory about the nerves that send signals from the brain to the cochlea (known as “efferent” fibers) is that they control the cochlea’s response to ...
Human vision has striking radial asymmetries, with performance on many tasks varying sharply with stimulus polar angle. Performance is generally better on the horizontal than vertical meridian, and on ...
Previous tracing studies which used traditional tracers have revealed that the OT is densely innervated and has efferent projections to most brain areas (DiBenedictis et al., 2015). However, these ...