Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
趣味英文短语:elephant in the room 房间里的大象 ...
调查发现,他还利用手机与隐藏摄影机录下多起性侵过程,这些影像存储于他在伦敦南部大象与城堡(Elephant and Castle)的住所内。警方在SD卡中发现大量强暴影片,显示他不仅在英国,甚至在中国也曾犯案。 获悉,赵振豪拍摄了其中9宗性侵事件,将这些影片作为「纪念品」保存,并持有一个装有受害女性物品的「战利品盒」。 检察官形容赵振豪是一名「持续性犯罪的性侵犯者、窥淫癖者与强暴犯」,尽管他在外界 ...