None of the swords, other than Yoru and Shusui, in One Piece are permanent Black Blades which means Mihawk has something even ...
在动漫行业中,每位角色都具备独特的魅力,其中《海贼王》的鹰眼(Dracule Mihawk)因其超凡的剑术和压倒性的实力受到了众多粉丝的广泛嫉妒。近期,鹰眼手办再次引发了热烈讨论,这位“无敌之路”的剑客,凭借其平A(普通攻击)似乎也能引爆强大的大招,引导我们思考:为什么鹰眼的人气如此高涨?
Although not every character needs to be related, fans can't help but notice some similarities between Mihawk and Rayleigh.
Zoro vs Mihawk is the most anticipated fight in One Piece. Oda has already decided when and where it will take place.
Silvers Rayleigh and Shakky might be Mihawk's secret parents but her heritage doesn't explain his gender but Ivankov's powers ...
With the final saga unfolding, One Piece must give some characters more screen time to shape the long-awaited epic conclusion ...
One of the most understated collaborations in One Piece is the Cross Guild and how it came together, but Oda teases new ...