Priced at Rs 29,999, the Realme 14 Pro+ highest variant in the new series. The phone is compact, light and packed with premium features. While on paper it aces the game, is it as good in real-life?
GIGABYTE, the world’s leading computer brand, announced the launch of NVIDIA GeForce RTX™ 50 Series graphics cards powered by NVIDIA Blackwell and AI, including the GeForce RTX™ 5090, RTX™ 5090 D, ...
If you have a Sandisk SD card in your Canon EOS R5 II, you may want to check that it's compatible. Canon recently put out a warning, reported by The Digital Picture, that "certain SanDisk Extreme PRO ...
In terms of versatility and value for money, gaming doesn’t have many deals that are better than a traditional 52-card deck. For a couple of bucks, you gain access to thousands of games ...
Just days into the new year, the brand has already introduced two new mini flashes and a wireless microphone kit. But they’re not stopping there – joining the line-up is the Godox iA32, a compact ...
Kung Fu Flash can emulate different cartridge types, load PRG files and use D64 disk images. Just place your desired CRT, PRG or D64 files on a FAT formatted microSD card and use the built-in launcher ...
There are a variety of scene modes and built-in filter effects on offer. The ISO range is between 100-3200 for low-light shooting, and both cameras have a built-in flash for when things get really ...