WX AWOS-3 at EDU (12.3 nm NE from VCB) Phone: 530-754-6839 WX AWOS-3 at DWA (13 nm NE from VCB) Phone: 530-750-2759 WX AWOS-A at O88 (16.4 nm SE from VCB) Phone: 707-374-5396 WX ASOS at APC (18 nm SW ...
Unified Communication X (UCX) is an award winning, optimized production proven-communication framework for modern, high-bandwidth and low-latency networks. UCX exposes a set of abstract communication ...
This plugin extends Control.Layers allowing a tree structure for the layers layout. In Control.Layers you can only display a flat list of layers (baselayers and overlays), that is usually enough for ...
"There are few examples of ancient forests above current day treeline surviving," said McWethy. Ancient whitebark pine trees emerging from 5000-year-old ice patch in the Beartooth Mountains of ...
The three-dimensional shape of a protein can be used to resolve deep, ancient evolutionary relationships in the tree of life, according to a study in Nature Communications. It is the first time ...
The area that is now Joshua Tree National Park wasn’t always a desert. During the Great Ice Age, also known as the Pleistocene Epoch, there were rivers and lakes as well as Columbian mammoths ...