Umiya Sushi, Prince Puckler's and Espresso Roma are among the restaurants included in this week's inspections report.
Inspector observed a food employee in the pizza area not wearing a proper hair restraint; wiping cloths in an unclean ...
Eight Tulare County restaurants received perfect scores on their January health inspections. Twenty-nine restaurants had major or critical risk violations, with scores ranging from 74 to 89.
Laura Leavitt is a personal finance and wellness writer for CNET. Her work has been published at NextAdvisor, Bankrate, The Simple Dollar, MoneyGeek, Business Insider and more.
Restaurants that received perfect scores and those that were temporarily closed are highlighted. Information on how to report a dirty restaurant in Florida is provided. You can use the database to ...
A person in charge relocated chemicals. Sanitizer solution with a concentration of about 150 ppm was in use. The issue was corrected. Cooked chicken in a steam table had an internal temperature of ...
Twice annually, licensed restaurants receive unannounced inspections that focus on food temperatures, food preparation practices, worker hygiene, dish-washing and sanitizing, and equipment and ...
Common violations include improper food storage, inadequate handwashing practices, and insufficient sanitizer concentrations. The latest inspection results are available online for public viewing.
Exposure to chlorine can cause a dry, sore rash that may burn or itch. Over-the-counter products such as hydrocortisone cream and antihistamines can help treat the rash. Chlorine is a chemical ...
3: Three violations: Bluegill fish fillets stored over packaged deli ham and covered pickle pails; chlorine sanitizer in the mechanical dishwasher not dispensing at the proper concentration ...
Chlorine sanitizer must be 50-100ppm ... powdery material in a few areas of the floor in rear of facility. Tracking powder, if applicable, is not approved for use in a food facility.