近日,重医附属儿童医院邱翔教授作为唯一通讯作者,在国际知名学术期刊《Nature Communications》上发表题为《Interplay between CTCF-binding and CTCF-lacking regulatory ...
Mammalian genomes are organized by multi-level folding, yet how this organization contributes to cell type-specific transcription remain unclear. We uncovered that the nuclear protein SATB1 ...
Another protein, CTCF, attaches to locations of super-enhancer DNA and pairs them up with genes that they will later turn on during sperm development. This sets up a new structure that cements the ...
同时,使用 MinION 对 5hmC 富集的 hMeDIP 文库进行直接测序,验证碱基检测的敏感性。 他们还运用纳米孔双链测序技术,在印记基因位点和 CTCF 结合位点研究位点水平的修饰对称性。此外,通过对市售的人类 DNA 甲基化标准品(Zymo, D5013)进行测序,评估原始读取 ...
构建针对 CCCTC 结合因子(CTCF)位点的截短向导 RNA 文库,转导多种细胞系,通过测量向导富集和消耗情况评估细胞适应性变化,筛选出对细胞适应性有显著影响的向导。对筛选出的向导(如 sg4 和 sg8)进行深入研究,利用 ChIP-seq 技术检测 CTCF 结合位点的变化 ...
Neurons within the central nervous system lack the intrinsic capacity to regenerate their axons after injury, leading to permanent functional deficits. In contrast, peripheral sensory neurons with ...