4 天
Coshocton Tribune on MSNA new ultrasound device will aid Coshocton moms and babies at health centerThe Coshocton Foundation awarded nearly $4,800 to the Maternal and Child Health Center to purchase a handheld ultrasound and ...
The Coshocton Foundation's Distribution Committee awarded $4,789 to the center to buy the ultrasound and a compatible printer ... fetal positioning prior to delivery (detection of breech position) and ...
Women planning pill abortions in Wyoming will need to get an ultrasound after lawmakers overrode the governor’s veto of the law. Wednesday’s 22-9 vote by the state Senate followed a 45-16 vote ...
breech birth, prolonged labor and dystocia. It has also been suggested that complex pregnancies can lead to congenital testicular hypoplasia in newborns, thus increasing the risk of testicular torsion ...
How a Twin Pregnancy Is Confirmed Many people don't find out they're carrying twins until their first OB appointment. A twin pregnancy is often discovered during the first ultrasound. This is the most ...
The Western Australian preterm birth prevention initiative: a whole of state singleton pregnancy cohort study showing the need to embrace alternative models of care for Aboriginal women.
In a population-based material with close to universal ultrasound-dating, [19] 10.4% of stillbirths (> 22 weeks) would be unreported if the birthweight criterion was used. In addition to ...
The rising trend in health and lifestyle related problems in the world warrants us to be well informed and health-conscious of the latest happenings in this field. Medindia offers a freely ...