A total of 1,500 pigeons, owned by more than 50 Bahraini enthusiasts, participated in a joint 600km homing pigeons race from Hafar Al Batin, in Saudi Arabia, to Bahrain. The joint race is the first in ...
The Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo is the oldest continuously running livestock show and rodeo in the United States. Each ...
This is a story from the beginning when the Eagleson Busschaerts began to shine in Ireland right up to the current pigeons raced in the present day.
A young go-karter from Weymouth has big dreams of winning formula one says he would donate his winnings to an autistic charity to help people ...
Belgium’s once-pastoral pastime of pigeon racing has come to this: Drones swoop over lofts where valuable birds are housed to look for security weaknesses, laser sensors set off alarm ...