Cell adhesion is the process by which cells form contacts with each other or with their substratum through specialized protein complexes. Intercellular adhesion can be mediated by adherens ...
Its complex network of cells, organs, proteins ... The antibody is ready to destroy the virus next time it appears. This is called immunity. People are born with some level of immunity that ...
The Nokia name may trigger nostalgia for the early days of cell phones, but the Nokia C300 ... as there's no telling how much time is remaining in this fantastic promotion from Samsung Galaxy ...
What Is Cord Blood Banking? Cord blood banking is a process of collecting potentially life-saving stem cells from the umbilical cord and placenta and storing them for future use. Stem cells are ...
Scientists have created baby mice with two fathers for the first time by turning male mouse stem cells into female cells in a lab. This raises the distant possibility of doing the same for people ...
We go all the way from mining to the complete cell and recycling,” he said. At the same time, cell production is a very relevant topic for sustainability, so PowerCo has to make sure that the ...
Cell culture is an important and necessary process in drug discovery, cancer research, as well as stem cell study. Most cells are currently cultured using two-dimensional (2D) methods but new and ...
Your body is made of cells -- trillions of them ... damage, and decay over time. The finding helped scientists better understand the biology of aging and diseases that lead to premature aging.
Scientists believe that free radicals can damage cells, including their DNA, over time. This affects how cells work and how they replicate, potentially leading to a range of health problems.