Paralysis. Fever. Convulsions. These are just some of the symptoms of a venomous snakebite. If you're lucky and live close to ...
A small mark is seen on Mthokozisi Vumase's hand where the snake struck AN incredibly fortunate man has survived a green mamba bite, in a very unusual case of not even needing antivenom. ALSO READ: ...
A pill used to combat mercury and arsenic poisoning could be repurposed to tackle snakebites, trials have found.
Matt Wright was camping at one of Victoria's most popular national parks when he was bitten by a tiger snake. More than two months later he hasn't fully recovered.
The KwaZulu-Natal Department of Health reports over 400 vials of snakebite antivenom are available and more have been ordered, despite production disruptions.
The Department of Health in KwaZulu-Natal says the anti-venom supply is still in a critical state, despite each district being restocked.
New antivenom proves effective against Eswatini's venomous snakes Zero deaths recorded from snake bites in the country last year Researchers are ...
In the village of Siphocosini, Eswatini, Clement Tsabedze still remembers the moment that nearly took his life.
Breeding snakes in captivity “is doable, not rocket science,” he says, as he offers a virtual tour of the serpentarium, which ...
A death adder at an Australian wildlife park found to have three fangs that all produce deadly neurotoxic venom.
The coral snake - which belongs to a class of potentially-deadly snakes - bit the security guard on the toe while working at ...