"Ruraru-san no Hondana," written and illustrated by Hiroshi Ito (Published by Poplar Publishing Co. Ltd., 2005)Story outlineMr. Ruraru's bookshelf (th・・・ ...
Shaddai’s owners are loyal clients of Siterlet who often seek her advice about the health or behavior of their horses, cats, ...
An animal behaviourist is developing a new app to help you understand your dog.
Standing to benefit are animal groups threatened by habitat loss or human activity that could be better protected with better ...
“With evolutionary advances, it is possible, if not probable, that they might develop ways to breathe outside of water and eventually hunt terrestrial animals like deer, sheep, and other mammals – ...
The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards crowned the funniest animal photos of the year. In its tenth year, the CWPA hopes that by showcasing wildlife's humour, conversations on conservation can occur.
Cute creatures going viral is nothing new. Seven years ago, the Cincinnati Zoo wanted TIME to name Fiona the hippo Person—er, Animal?—of the Year. But 2024 seems to be on a different level of ...