Student loans can help bridge the gap between the total cost of going to college and the amount of financial aid your school offers. There are two main types of student loans: federal loans with ...
GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. (KJCT) - Colorado Mesa University recently announced that students who are not required to live on campus will not have access to next year’s housing application.
Opening a student checking account is a great way to establish some financial independence, but many banks charge maintenance fees that can cost you up to $15 a month if you don't meet certain ...
Showcasing sustainable art is a priority for students in Professor Ward Allebach’s sustainability course. As a part of this class, the students made an Eco-Artisans exhibit on the WPU patio. On April ...
Nigerian socialite Pascal Okechukwu aka Cubana Chiefpriest has vowed to pay school fees for 300 students in Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri. Just recently, the public figure visited his alma mater ...
Yee Von Teo moved to Hobart as an international student 10 years ago, and says she's been subjected to racist remarks ever since she arrived. The Australian Human Rights Commission has found ...