A woman in her 40s reported a two month history of her shoes and gloves becoming increasingly tight, headaches, blurred vision, and a tight sensation in her skin. She did not report any joint pain or ...
The Board of Directors of Pharma Equity Group A/S has today considered and approved the Company's annual report for 2024, which can be summarised as follows: It is expected that the trial application ...
Researchers from Cambridge and London have completed a study that is a world first of its kind and gives patients an ...
Hyperthyroidism is the most common endocrine disorder for middle-aged and older cats, but early progression of the disease ...
Receiving the FDA’s clearance to proceed with our Phase 2 clinical trial for TPST-1495, our second clinical program, in FAP marks an important step forward in developing new treatment options for ...
People suffering from high blood pressure facing a lifetime of pills have been given a boost because a new technique has been ...
High blood pressure is one of the most common conditions affecting adults in the UK, but many sufferers could benefit from a ...
An internally validated simple scoring model using clinical factors successfully predicts the likelihood of detecting ...
Use of an automatic quality control system during routine colonoscopy increased adenoma detection rate among low- and ...
A father is preparing to run the London Marathon to raise awareness of brain tumours. Roy Burridge, from Chalfont Saint Peter, was inspired to take on the 26.2-mile challenge after his son, Daniel, ...
Artificial intelligence aids in polyp detection, enhancing colonoscopy effectiveness and reducing the risk of colorectal ...