A foreign UN worker was killed and five others seriously injured during the Israeli bombing of their headquarters in the ...
乌克兰官员准备在沙特阿拉伯与美国团队会面之际,俄罗斯军方星期二(3月11日)表示,乌克兰对莫斯科发动了迄今为止最大规模的无人机袭击,其防空系统一夜之间在俄罗斯10个地区击落共337架乌克兰无人机,其中至少91架袭击莫斯科。同时,俄罗斯在库尔斯克展开春 ...
Five people were killed and more than a dozen wounded in two attacks in Thailand's troubled south, police said on Sunday. A ...
UNITED NATIONS, March 7 (Xinhua) -- An attack on a UN helicopter on Friday in South Sudan killed a crewmember and several South Sudanese military personnel, including a general, a UN spokesman said.
本快讯为双月刊,旨在搭建一个优质信息平台,为您提供中国海外投资和商贸活动环境和社会影响的最新消息,研究观察和工具指南等资源,促进同侪学习和知情决策。 能源,矿产,土地和水是过渡至低碳经济的核心,也是每个供应链的起点。然而,滥用地球 ...