近日,SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences 在线发表中国科学院昆明植物研究所郝小江研究员团队题为“Isowalsuranolide targets TrxR1/2 and triggers lysosomal biogenesis ...
The collinearity analysis between P. yunnanensis and other plants was conducted using the Advanced Circos package of TBtools. Y2H (yeast two-hybrid) assays were employed to validate the predicted ...
CART细胞培养车间作为高度专业化的生物实验室,其无菌洁净区的空间消毒工作至关重要。有效的消毒方案不仅能确保CART细胞培养的成功率,还能防止潜在的生物污染和交叉污染。本文将详细介绍一种适用于CART细胞培养车间无菌洁净区的空间消毒方案,包括消毒 ...
平头刺盘孢的优势特点与培养方法及注意事项! 平头刺盘孢,是一种真菌植物,属于盘菌目、盘菌科,拉丁名 Colletotrichum truncatum。主要用于教学,研究。 特征特性:培养基上菌落呈圆形,中央为黑色,其上有白色菌丝,边缘为白色菌丝 ...
Photosynthesis is the process by which plants, algae and certain types of bacteria synthesise carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and typically water, using light as an energy source. The process ...
But we did find Pinus yunnanensis with its elegant groups of five long needles, purple-flowered Dracocephalum forrestii and yellow Primula forrestii. Our plant seeking in the Kunming area, four hours' ...
研究人员对中国南部和泰国北部药用植物微真菌研究,鉴定 99 种,发现新分类单元等,意义重大。
【来源】毛茛科金莲花属植物云南金莲花Trollius yunnanensis (Franch.)Ulbr.的全草。秋季采集,晒干。 【性味】甘、辛,温。 【功能主治】解表,散寒,消结。用于外感风寒,风湿麻木,颈淋巴结结核。 【用法用量】0.5~1两,水煎服,或作酒剂,或炖肉服。
Collaborative Innovation Center for Modern Grain Circulation and Safety, Jiangsu Province Engineering Research Center of Edible Fungus Preservation and Intensive Processing, College of Food Science ...