This week’s Time Capsule looks at a shooting, a flying saucer, the Doll Lady, safecrackers and sludge. Damon Poirier is the Newsroom Administrator and Historian for the Marietta Daily Journal.
Diehard fans will delight in spotting Easter eggs — or, to quote the title of a classic 1947 short, “Easter Yeggs” — such as visual references to “Baby Bottleneck,” “The Great Piggy Bank Robbery,” and ...
The director Catherine Gund fuses work from multiple artists with archival footage and interviews to craft an exploration of Black resilience. By Alissa Wilkinson In this coming-of-age drama from ...
It is with all the energy, and none of the intellect, of a pair of howler monkeys that de facto co-presidents Donald Trump and Elon Musk have issued orders that federal judges continue to find of ...
Both lasses were covered by insurance. No doors were found open when an inspection was made, and this bears out the police theory that the yeggs had paid admission to the theater and waited for it ...