As befits this time of year, a wide variety of weather (80 degrees to snow) and a wide variety of fish (lakefront coho, river ...
Another major influence is Joe McPhee. Joe and Michael have created a body of work that includes two duo cds, Finger Wigglers and Zebulon, (CIMP) in addition to over a dozen other releases including: ...
While there is always plenty happening inside the Carnegie Public Library building, did you know we also provide outreach to ...
World Water Day Photo Contest Exhibit opening at the National Great Rivers Center on March 12 with stunning river-inspired ...
Beware the Ides of March” is what many Baby Boomers have been doing since reading those ominous words from a soothsayer ...
A 1949 study found that while most ear wigglers had at least one parent who could do the same, five out of 24 cases showed that both parents lacked the trait. This suggests that ear wiggling doesn ...
If the shock doesn’t kill them, it can severely damage their wormy nervous systems, hastening their demise. Since dead worms aren’t nearly as effective at catching fish as fresh, plump, energetic ...
Improve your soil by making biochar in the ground. DIY biochar enhances nutrient availability and also enables soil to retain nutrients longer. Last year, I committed one of the great sins of ...
There will be no children’s programming at the Brook Library for the week of South Newton’s spring break, March 24-26th. Enjoy the time off and don’t be ...