The island’s whaling voyages often being “very long, (the whalemen’s) wives in their absence are necessarily obligated to transact business, to settle accounts and in short, to rule and provide for ...
In 1830, the New Bedford Port Society for the Moral Improvement of Seamen began offering church services to whalemen before they shipped out to sea. This led to the creation of the Seamen's Bethel ...
In his earlier life, Ken Martin was a college history professor and a museum director. Since then he has written or co-written more than fifteen books, most of them on maritime history. He lives on ...
and let s have that ferule and buckle screw I ll be ready for them presently. that this unfortunate whale should be hare lipped. Because those whalemen did not then. an archangelic grandeur so do ...
Sturdy whalemen and harpooners were employed, and a schooner the Argo (perhaps named for the craft that carried Jason and the Argonauts in search of the Golden Fleece) was purchased, and ...
TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. About the Archive This is a digitized version of an article from The Times’s print archive, before the start of ...