Edema of intermediate villi is slightly obscured by the stillbirth-related fibrosis, but splits between the trophoblastic shell and the villous core are seen, ×20; (E) Mature and immature intermediate ...
An international longitudinal study found significantly increased mortality rates in patients with nonceliac enteropathies vs the general population.
Primary immunodeficiencies are not as rare as they used to be, James Fernandez, MD, PhD, told Healio, and practicing ...
Phyllodes tumors, varying from benign to malignant, need precise diagnosis and surgery, with a focus on multidisciplinary ...
An internally validated simple scoring model using clinical factors successfully predicts the likelihood of detecting ...
Researchers categorized colonoscopy findings into advanced adenomas (≥ 1 cm, high-grade dysplasia, or tubule-villous/villous histology), nonadvanced adenomas (< 1 cm without advanced histology ...
The high recurrence risk of these serious diseases commonly results in requests from at-risk couples for prenatal diagnosis (PND), based on determination of the mutant load on a chorionic villous ...
However, they can remain benign. There are three different growth patterns of adenomatous polyps: tubular, villous, and tubulovillous. Tubular adenomatous polyps are small and develop a tubular ...
In cases of persistent diarrhoea with hypertension, olmesartan-associated sprue-like enteropathy should be considered in the differential diagnosis. Olmesartan-associated sprue-like enteropathy can ...
来自MSN25 天
Top 10 Gluten-Free GrainsThis response leads to intestinal damage and villous atrophy, as gluten peptides trigger immune reactions and increase intestinal permeability. A strict gluten-free diet (GFD) is essential for ...
You have probably heard of people going on a gluten-free diet for their health and wondered, "Is gluten bad for you?" The answer is maybe—it depends on the individual. Gluten is not inherently ...