Specifically, we consider the large shape set defined by the set of 16-vertexes polygonal patch antennas and consider antenna synthesis by specifying independent constraints on return loss, radiation ...
C: `CP_EXPORT void cpPolyShapeSetVerts(cpShape *shape, int count, cpVect *verts, cpTransform transform)` fn C.cpPolyShapeSetVerts(shape &Shape, count int, verts &Vect, transform Transform) // ...
proceed in a straight path around the polyhedron and return to the starting vertex without passing through any other vertexes. Atop the lighthouse, a sphere with a carved-out pattern casts a ...
Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Okólna 2 str., Wrocław 50-422, Poland ...
Objective Emergency department (ED) overcrowding is acknowledged as an increasingly important issue worldwide. Hospital managers are increasingly paying attention to ED crowding in order to provide ...