Partial heart transplants provide a range of lifesaving options for children with complex congenital heart conditions, and can lead to a domino effect of life-saving procedures.
Loma Linda University Children's Hospital recently made history performing the first pediatric partial heart transplant in ...
BRAVE schoolboy Dayn Montgomery refuses to let his complex heart defects stop him from spreading joy to other sick kids and ...
(槟城14日讯)槟州在2025年NUMBEO安全指数中排名全球第77位。槟州首长曹观友周四在面子书分享指出,在槟州安全工作委员会会议上,从出席会议的相关单位及槟州警方获得最新的州安全相关资讯,整体而言,槟城是一个安全州属。他说,根据槟州总精警长拿督韩 ...
(大山脚14日讯)7岁男童梁启炫自幼患上罕见的永存动脉干(Truncus Type 2)心脏缺陷,虽凭借坚韧生命力一路坚持成长,但随著年龄增长,心脏血管已不堪负荷,必须尽快进行手术才能延续生命。然而,高达8万5000令吉的手术费用让家人承受巨大经济压力,迫切向 ...