Pet owners shop with their beloved companions at the newly opened Pet&Fresh Store in Shanghai's Changning district. [Photo by ...
Our air quality is affected by nearby environmental factors, as well as ripple effects from thousands of miles away. Understanding how these factors affect our health and planet is crucial. In his ...
Three of the 4 rabbits so treated showed no pulmonary edema on post-mortem examination at twenty-nine days and had normal tracheas and lungs. On the basis of the findings in experimental pulmonary ...
This image illustrates a bioswitchable delivery system designed to achieve controlled loading and release of miRNA regulators. A ribonuclease H-sensitive sequence functions as the bioswitchable ...
The singers then let their lungs deflate, and the altered air made its way back up through their bronchi, into their tracheas and through their larynxes. Bands of muscle buzzed in the upwelling ...
4 regions from the epithelium and 4 regions from the vocalis muscle were analyzed for each sample. Frozen tracheas and mounted in disposable embedding molds with O.C.T. Tissue samples were sectioned ...