MAIA Biotechnology (MAIA) announced the publication of preclinical data for its lead proprietary telomere-targeting THIO dimer in the ...
MAIA Biotechnology Announces Publication of Peer-Reviewed Study Featuring Potency and Potential of Novel THIO Prodrug ...
New research finds that just 90 minutes of weekly strength training could reverse biological aging by 4 years, with increased ...
Researchers have discovered that the earliest days of embryo development have a measurable impact on a person's future health and aging.
Biongevity Clinic, Dubai’s premier longevity clinic powered by Canada’s BioAro, is making waves in the health and wellness ...
The Fellows of the AACR Academy have elected Elaine V. Fuchs, PhD, FAACR, as their next President. She will assume the ...
H umans are living longer than ever – but even today, few of us will make it past 100. Even fewer will reach 110, or 115. In ...
In recent years, the quest for prolonged youthfulness and enhanced quality of life has propelled anti-aging programs into the ...
Accelerated aging in breast cancer survivors is linked to treatments and tumor characteristics, with implications for ...
Suppressing the ZNF638 protein tricks the body into attacking glioblastoma , a potential breakthrough in brain cancer therapy ...
The National Kidney Foundation (NKF) is proud to announce that its KidneyCARE (Community Access to Research Equity)tm Study ? the first national CKD patient registry that captures both ...
为解决高粱 654 品系研究依赖参考基因组局限问题,研究人员开展 T2T 基因组组装研究,成果助力高粱育种。 高粱基因组研究的 “拼图” 之缺与补 在农业科研的大舞台上,高粱一直是备受瞩目的 “明星作物”。高粱不仅能酿酒、做粮食,在饲料、生物能源等领域也有着重要价值。中国高粱 654 品系更是其中的佼佼者,它作为众多商业杂交种和重组自交系(RILs)的亲本,为高粱优良品种的培育立下了汗马功劳。像在 ...